"Hi, I am Jeremy Vest. I am 32 years old. I am an actor and musician. I have acted in a few films and play drums in the Cape Fear Community College jazz band. I have Williams Syndrome. I love being a part of Theatre for All."

"My name is Tyler Smith, I have high-functioning ASD & have been with Theatre for All since the beginning, doing summer camps. I joined TFA full-time in 2019. It gives me the chance to express my comedic side & have independence in their Leadership Program. TFA helps me reach my goal of becoming an actor. We all work really hard & have made a fantastic theatre family that I love."
...This Is Us
"Hi my name is Anna DeSanctis. I’m one of the original members of the company. In my free time I take dance, I’m a special Olympics athlete, I cheerlead for the New Hanover Special Olympics shining stars, I bowl, spending time with my friends both at theater and outside. What theater for all means to me is: Family, Acceptance, Creativity. A place where I’m not afraid to just be myself."

"I am Emily Mary Jahn. I love being on stage and being the Drama Queen! I love performing when everyone is there, feet going wild! It is an awesome feeling. Theatre for All makes it happen, how awesome is that?!"

"Hi, My name is Allon Nir. I am an actor and stand-up comedian who enjoys Theatre for All immensely. I truly feel at home with the
compassion I receive from my teammates and instructors. The camaraderie that shines down upon the entire troupe envelopes what makes up a “Theatre Family.” It is quite the spectacle - not to mention I am allowed to showcase my stand-up acts at the start of the performances. It is a dream come true and I hope to improve even more."

"Hi, I'm Trevor and I was born to perform! I've been with TFA since 2015 and I love my theatre family!"

"I'm Jill. I love to dance. Theatre for All is my favorite thing. I Love being there. It's all about everybody. I like how we work as a team."
"Hi I am Bailey Smith. I have high functioning autism spectrum. We found out when I was at the age of 4. I have a heart for law enforcement. I have a dad who is a law enforcement officer and I love being with special needs people, my dream is to be a special ed teacher, I love to dance, act and sing. I am very blessed to be with theatre for all!"

"Hi, I'm Joseph. I joined Theatre for All with my best friend Allon in January 2016. I am a writer and an actor and have been in theatre since I was 5 years old. I look forward to every rehearsal! I love to create new things with TFA - my theatre family!"
"Hi, I'm Tamara. I'm 28 years old I love hanging out with my friends and bowling. I am in my 6th year working at my home church preschool! I love playing tennis and am in angels Karate class and Shining Stars Cheerleaders for 3 years. I love to sing, and dance. But my favorite place to be is Theater for All on Saturday mornings!"

"My name is Timothy Manley. I have loved theater and the arts all my life, and now through TFA my visual impairment is not holding me back from pursuing it. I am having so much fun!"
"My name is Saquoia and I love to sing. Sometimes the words just pour out of me and I can free style on the mic for hours! I love being apart of TFA and love my TFA family!"

"My name is Devon. I found TFA because they came to my school. I've always loved to dance, sing and act and now I can! I am also training to be an assistant teacher in the TFA Leadership Training program which I'm really happy about. TFA are my family!"
"My name is Brittany. I discovered TFA through an Outreach program and I'm so glad that I did! I love performing and dancing and TFA has helped my confidence and given me a beautiful group of friends. Come and see our shows!"